Home Waxing Can Bikini Wax Cause Yeast Infection: 3 Connections [Signs & Complications]

Can Bikini Wax Cause Yeast Infection: 3 Connections [Signs & Complications]

A possible link between bikini wax and yeast infection and Care
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Waxing can cause uncomfortable side effects such as pain, ingrown hairs, breakouts, and infected hair follicles. Still waxing is still popular because it lasts longer and is relatively cheap.

Yes, bikini waxing has the potential to cause microtrauma on the skin, which may allow yeast to cause a vulvar yeast infection. A direct link exists between yeast infections and bikini waxing.

In this blog post, we'll delve into how waxing can affect your genital health, the symptoms and complications of yeast infections, and the best ways to prevent and treat them.

Can Bikini Wax Cause Yeast Infection: Connection

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Many women are unaware that this beauty routine may have side effects, including a heightened risk of yeast infections. We'll explore the connection of bikini waxing with yeast infections and provide evidence-based insights to help you stay healthy and informed.

Connection Between Bikini Waxing and Yeast Infections

Bikini waxing may cause yeast infections in several ways, including:

  • Microtrauma to the skin: Hair is pulled from the roots during waxing, causing minor cuts or tears in the skin. These tiny wounds allow yeast to enter the vulva and cause an infection.
  • Bacteria and fungi disrupted: The genital area is home to a delicate balance of bacteria and fungi, including yeast. When this balance is disrupted, yeast overgrowth causes an infection. Waxing can disturb this natural balance by removing hair and irritating the skin.
  • Increasing the risk of irritation, inflammation, and infection: Waxing can lead to skin irritation and inflammation, allowing yeast to thrive. Moreover, using unsterilized or contaminated waxing tools or sharing waxing equipment with others can spread bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of infection.

Supporting Evidence from Credible Sources

Several studies and medical experts have identified a link between yeast infection and bikini waxing. For instance:

  • It has been found that women who removed their pubic hair through any method, including waxing, were more likely to have vulvovaginal infections, including yeast infections.
  • According to Dr. Denise Nunez, an OB/GYN at Coastal Women's Healthcare, waxing can cause microtears in the hair follicles and create a portal of entry for vaginal bacteria and yeast.
  • Another study published in the Journal of Infection and Public Health found that sharing waxing equipment between clients at salons increases the risk of skin infections.
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Yeast Infection From Bikini Wax: Symptoms & Complications

One of the most common concerns is whether bikini waxing can cause a yeast infection. Here are the symptoms and complications of a yeast infection.

Common Symptoms

Overgrowth of Candida yeast causes this condition, usually in small amounts in the body. When this yeast multiplies uncontrollably, it can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Itching and burning: These symptoms are often the first signs of a yeast infection. They may be accompanied by redness and swelling around the vagina.
  • Discharge: Women with yeast infections often experience thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge from the vagina. This discharge can be copious and uncomfortable.
  • Odor: The discharge associated with yeast infections can have a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Painful urination or sex: In severe cases, yeast infections can cause pain or discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse.

Potential Complications

Yeast infections can negatively affect your life and sexual health. Here are some potential complications:

  • Uncomfortable sexual activity.
  • Feeling embarrassed or self-conscious.
  • Reduced satisfaction during sexual activity.
  • Delayed recovery or worsening of symptoms.
  • Recurrent infections.
  • Overall discomfort and pain.

Yeast infections can also increase your risk of experiencing more severe medical conditions such as:

  • Preterm labor in pregnancy.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • The spread of infections to other areas of the body.

Bikini Wax Yeast Infection: Prevention & Treatment

Preventing and treating bikini wax yeast infections

It is essential to prevent and treat yeast infections after waxing. We will discuss some tips for prevention and treatment.


Yeast infections can occur if proper precautions are not taken. Tips for preventing yeast infections after waxing:

Choose a reputable and hygienic waxing salon or professional: Make sure the salon or professional you choose uses clean equipment and follows proper hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infections.

Follow proper aftercare instructions: After waxing, it is essential to maintain good hygiene to avoid bacterial or fungal infections. Some helpful tips include:

  • Keep unwashed hands away from waxed areas.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes made of breathable materials.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, or saunas for at least 48 hours after waxing.
  • Soothe the skin with a mild moisturizer.

Keep your immune system healthy: A weakened immune system increases the risk of infections, including yeast infections. To keep your immune system healthy, eat right, sleep well, and exercise.

Tips for Treatment

Even with proper precautions, yeast infections can still occur after waxing. Here are some tips for recognizing the signs of illness and seeking medical help if needed:

Look out for symptoms: Common symptoms of yeast infections include itching, burning, redness, and swelling in the affected area. In severe cases, there may be discharge or a foul odor.

Get medical help: Talk to your doctor about these symptoms instead of self-diagnosing or using over-the-counter medications. The healthcare professional can suggest the appropriate treatment.

Use antifungal medications or natural remedies: Depending on the severity of the infection, a healthcare professional may prescribe antifungal medications like fluconazole, clotrimazole, or miconazole. In mild cases, you can try some natural remedies like:

  • Applying yogurt directly to the affected area.
  • Use coconut or tea tree oil as a natural antifungal remedy.
  • Try garlic or apple cider vinegar as a natural cure.
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Bid farewell to waxing pain. Dr. Numb® ensures a smoother, more comfortable wax.


It is my hope that this blog post will shed some light on the yeast infection link. To summarize, waxing can cause microtrauma to the skin, disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and fungi in the genital area, and increase inflammation, irritation, and infection.

Yeast infections can lead to annoying symptoms like itching, burning, discharge, odor, and pain, as well as more severe complications affecting sexual health and quality of life.

You can effectively avoid or cure yeast infections by following proper prevention and treatment tips, like choosing a reputable waxing salon and using antifungal medications or natural remedies.

Seek medical help if needed. Ultimately, it's essential to take care of your genital health and hygiene, so don't hesitate to share this article with others who may find it helpful.

Our recommended Product - Dr. Numb® 5% Lidocaine Cream - 30g
Matt Callard
I am a passionate traveler, as if traveling were my full-time job. I like to change my surroundings and environment, like changing desktop wallpaper. Nature increases the concentration in my writing, which helps brainstorming flow in my blood. I have a cat named Kitana. She is the most desperate about traveling, more than any other cat. How do I know? If I miss any tour in any week, she literally destroys my clothing with her wolverine nails.

I and my cat also participate in extreme activities like surfing, biking, hill tracking, paragliding, boating, etc. She was always there in my accidents, injuries, and stitches. She always sits on my lap when it hurts me most. The funniest part is that she has experienced all my tattoos. She sleeps on my blanket when I go through any painful experience.

My hobbies and lifestyle added many pain and injuries to my life. That is why I have a lot of experience in dealing with different levels of pain and burn. It influenced me to become a pain expert and share primary suggestions to handle any unwanted situations that hurt.


  • How Does Pubic Hair Affect Yeast Infection?

    As previously stated, pubic hair is crucial in safeguarding against infections by trapping potential pathogens. Consequently, removing pubic hair can increase vulnerability to UTIs, vaginitis, and yeast infections.

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